  • 期刊

Democratic Implications of the Treaty of Lisbon



里斯本條約是否成功處理了歐盟民主赤字問題?里斯本條約簽訂前的歐盟受到之民主赤字相關批評,主要是針對多重民主代表管道及民主監督機制非但未能提升民主代表的品質,反而可能彼此抵觸侵犯。本文透過分析里斯本條約對歐洲議會、歐盟理事會、歐盟高峰會,以及會員國議會的改革,評估里斯本條約究竟是使歐盟民主赤字問題改善了還是惡化了。在歐洲議會方面,本文檢視歐洲議會議員與選民的距離以及一般立法程序(ordinary legislative procedures)對於歐洲議會議員立法行為模式的影響。在理事會方面,文章檢視里斯本條約對於會員國行政部門透過理事會在歐盟層次扮演國家利益守門員角色之影響;主要焦點置於在立法過程中愈來愈普遍之三方協議(trilogues)以及條約新設立之歐盟理事會主席一職。在會員國議會方面,里斯本條約對於輔助原則(the principle of subsidiarity)之調整以及新設之早期預警機制則是分析重點所在。綜合而言,里斯本條約未能就歐盟之民主赤字問題帶來實質改善。


How did the Treaty of Lisbon fare in addressing the EU's democratic deficit? The main criticism regarding the democratic implications of European integration pre-Lisbon is epitomized by the concern that merely lumping together various channels or mechanisms of democratic representation and public control will not necessarily result in adequate democratic representation. Instead, poorly coordinated organs may interfere with, and undermine, one another. I examine the degree to which the Treaty of Lisbon improves or worsens the democratic deficit by analyzing the reforms made with reference to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Council, and national parliaments. With respect to the European Parliament, the article focuses on the alleged disconnect between MEPs and the electorate, and the implications of ordinary legislative procedures on the legislative pattern and legislative behavior of the EP. With regards to the Council and the European Council, attention is directed toward the gatekeeping functions of national executives in light of the prevalence of trilogues and the newly created position of the President of the European Council. Also, the early warning mechanism and the principle of subsidiarity provided for in the Treaty of Lisbon are examined as significant issues for national parliaments. The analysis indicates that the Treaty of Lisbon has failed to improve the EU's democratic deficit to any significant extent.


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