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Intraocular Pressure Change Following Gonioplasty (G.P.) in Patients after Laser Iridotomy


對於49個原發性隅角閉鎖青光眼病人(77隻眼睛),在施行雷射虹膜穿孔術後1到3個月,再施予隅角整形術,觀察其術後一個月眼壓之變化,並探討影響其術後眼壓下降的因素。隅角整形術後1~2小時內眼壓之變化由上升8 mmHg到下降7mmHg不等,平均眼壓上升0.47 mmHg,較雷射虹膜穿孔術後之眼壓上升為小。隅角整形術後一星期及一個月眼壓之下降分別為2.13 mmHg及2.44 mmHg,其眼壓之下降均具有統計學上的差異,而其眼壓下降20%以上者分別為35%及38%。本文發現術前眼壓之高低,虹彩萎縮或瞳孔變形之有無及使用雷射燒灼點數之多寡,並不會影響術後眼壓下降的幅度,但若術前隅角周邊黏連大於180度者,其術後一星期及一個月眼壓之下降均無統計學上的差異。




After laser iridotomy, 33 patients (53 eyes) with primary angle closure glaucoma underwent gonioplasty. 1-2 hours immediately after gonioplasty, the intraocular pressure change were less than laser iridotomy's. It ranged from +8mmHg to -7mmHg with mean intraocular pressure elevation of 0.47±2.42mmHg. The mean intraocular pressure were significantly decreasing at 1st week (2.13mmHg) and at 1st month (2.44mmHg) after gonioplasty. However, only 35% and 38% of eyes achieved intraocular pressure decreasing greater than 20% separately at 1st week and at 1st month after gonioplasty. There were no apparent correlation in intraocular pressure decreasing with iris atrophy and pupil distorsion, with intraocular pressure before gonioplasty and with spots of laser burn during treatment. In present study, we find that if patients' peripheral anterior synechia were greater than 180 degrees, there were no significantly decreasing in intraocular pressure at 1st week and 1st month after gonioplasty. After being released pupillary block by laser iridotomy, the permanent effect of gonioplasty in angle widening and intraocular pressure decreasing needs further evaluation.
