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Uveitis in Acute Anterior Orbital Pseudotumor


急性眼窩偽腫瘤為急性發作之眼窩甚至包含眼球之非特異性發炎細胞浸潤。Rootman根據電腦斷層攝影,將此疾病依其在眼窩解剖位置的不同,分類為前眼窩型、後眼窩型、瀰漫型、淚腺型及眼肌炎型。前眼窩型位於眼窩前部,接近眼球,易合併眼內之侵犯,而引起葡萄膜炎、視乳頭炎、或滲液性視網膜剝離等。 本文提出之病例為一28歲女性,三年來以左眼紅、腫、痛、及視力模糊之症狀,在葡萄膜炎的診斷下,接受類固醇治療,症狀反反覆覆達三年之久。來院求診時眼部檢查可見左眼矯正後視力CF/30cm,結膜水腫充血,角膜內皮沈積,前房輝塵及細胞二度虹膜後粘連,白內障及視神經乳頭紅腫。住院後電腦斷層攝影及超音波掃描顯示左眼顳上側眼壁增厚,給予大量類固醇治療,症狀及病兆消失,追踪至今半年未再復發。




Acute orbital pseudotumor is characterized by a rapid clinical presentation and development associated with inflammatory features in the orbit and/or globe. Five specific anatomic patterns of anterior, posterior, diffuse, lacrimal and myositic types were classified with the computerized tomography findings by Rootman. The anterior type is located most closely near the globe and often has an intraocular involvement that manifests as uveitis, papillitis or exudative retinal detachment. A 28-year-old patient was transferred to our hospital with a diagnosis of uveitis. She had suffered from reddness, tenderness and blurred vision of the left eye intermittently for 3 years. In the left eye, the best corrected visual acuity was counting fingers at 20cm. Conjunctival chemosis and congestion, fine keratic precipitates, 2+ cells and flare in the anterior chamber, posterior synechiae, complicated cataract, and congested optic disc were found. Computerized tomography and echography revealed a thickened wall over the temporal-upper area of the left eye ball. With large doses of steroid, the mass lesion diminished and the intraocular inflammation became quiescent.
