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Sclera Diathermy Coagulation手術與兒童近視之進行

Sclera Diathermy Coagulation and the Progressing of Myopia in School Children


著者自78年8月至82年3月,對於青少年學生(5~23歲平均13歲)之近視(-4.00~-22.50D.平均-9.10D.)患者,為治療近視性網膜變性並企圖抑制近視之進行,施以Sclera Diathermy Coagulation手術治療。於30名患者計57眼,經過一年半以上(3月至3年平均18.6月)之觀察得到如下列之結果: 1. 12眼(21%),其近視度數仍在增加中。 2. 23眼(40.4%),其近視度數變化甚少,認為已趨穩定者。 3. 22眼(38.6%),其近視度數,確已減輕者。 著者闡述本手術方法發展之經過,係向於舊病例之追踪,及動物實驗,而後設計手術方法。該術方法簡單安全,殆無合併症。可施於任何度數之近視兒童,可以減緩近視之進行,或使近視之進行停止而趨穩定,甚至於使近視度數減輕。此手術亦於預防網膜剝離方面有助,並對於Sclera Reinforcement手術方法相比較。




From August 1989 To March 1993 sclera diathermy coagulation was performed on myopic (-4.00 to -22.50 everage -9.10D) school children (5 to 23 everage 13 yrs. old) of 57 eyes on 30 patients. After followed up 18.6 months in everage (3 months to 3 years), the results was as the following; 1) On 12 eyes (21%) the myopic condition was still progressing, 2) On 23 eyes (40.4%) the myopic condition stabilized. 3) On 22 eyes (38.6%) the myopic condition decreased. This procedure was based and developed by 1) the clinical experiences of diathermy coagualation for detachment retina, 2) the animal studies and 3) The references of many contributors reported about the pathology and the nature of high myopia. Diathermy coagulation seems to interfere the growth function of the ey ball and also may shortened the axial length of the eye according the dosages and the extensions of the diathermy applied. Further studies on these aspacts are necessary. This procedure is simple, save and quick recover with little complications indicating to high myopic of young ages. It is possible to develope another method that works on the sclera besides the sclera reinforcement.
