

一位五十二歲女性因例行性的胸部X-光檢查意外發現兩側性肺門淋巴腺體病變而轉至本院求診,經縱膈腔淋巴腺切片病理檢查證實為一非乾酪性的肉芽腫發炎,眼睛的檢查顯示前虹彩炎,視網膜蠟燭樣滲出物(Candle-wax drippings)和玻璃體雪球狀渾濁(Vitreous Snowball Opacity),診斷為類肉瘤病(Sarcoidosis),經由口服和局部點眼類固醇治療後,病情得到穩定的控制。




We reported a case of sarcoidosis with typical systemic and ocular findings. This 52-year-old female, a case of sarcoidosis, was accidentally found to have bilateral hilar lymphoadenopathy by chest X-ray. A series of examinations were done: CT scan of chest revealed bilateral hilar and mediastinum lymphoadenopathy, Gallium scan showed intensive uptake in hila, mediastinum and lacrimal gland. Mediastinal biopsy was reported as noncaseating granulomatous inflammation, typical feature of sarcoidosis. Ophthalmological check up revealed typical findings of ocular sarcoidosis as mild anterior iritis, candlewax drippings appearance of perivascular granulomatous nodules, inferior vitreous snowballs. She received oral and topical steroid and got stable control.


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