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Change in the Modulation and Critical Flicker Frequency in High Myopia Patients


前言:我們發現在視神經炎病人「即使在恢復期」及青光眼病人會有視神經及ganglion cell的傷害,而且在閃爍融合閾值(Critical Flicker Frequency)(CFF)也會有降低之情形。而在高度近視的患者也有視網膜退化的情形。所以本篇論文在研究及探討是否高度近視病人有Modulation[%]及閃爍融合閾值(Critical Flicker Frequency)(CFF)的變化。我們希望針對高度近視之視網膜退化所影響的視覺功能做進一步探討,進而能早期診斷,早期治療。 材料及方法:由眼科門診連續選取了34個高度近視而視力矯正至0.8以上患者,我們使用Cyclus Flicker Fusion Meter 731 (INTER-ZEAG AG, CH-8952 Schlieren, Switzerland)來檢查這些病人。這台機器不僅可以檢查各頻率之Modulation [%],更可記錄他們的閃爍融合閾值(Critical Flicker Frequency)(CFF)。 結果:雖然每個病人在每次檢查之間會有變化,但這台機器可以自動劃出各頻率間之Modulation [%]的平順曲線,此曲線即稱為Modulation Transfer Function (MTF)。在高度近視患者閃爍融合閾值為46.91±10.13 Hz,而正常對照組為52.96±3.90 Hz (P=0.0003)。我們可以發現高度近視患者閃爍融合閾值(Critical Flicker Frequency)(CFF)的降低及Modulation [%]的升高。 討論:高度近視會有視網膜退化之情形,根據本研究,其會有閃爍融合閾值(Critical Flicker Fusion)(CFF)降低及對比敏感度(contrast sensitivity)降低之情形。將來我們可以再加研究,以便利用其做為評估高度近視病人視網膜退化程度的指標。




Purpose: We can find some optic nerve damage and ganglion cell damage in the optic neuritis and glaucoma patients, we also noted critical flicker frequency (CFF) decrease in these patients. Retinal degeneration is found in high myopia patient. Are there any changes in the modulation [%] and critical flicker frequency (CFF) in the high myopia patients? We want to use these visual function as indexes to evaluate the severity of high myopia retinopathy. Material and Method: Thirty-four patients of high myopia (more than 8 D) were collected in our OPD. We use Cyclus Flicker Fusion Meter 731 (INTERZEAG AG, CH-8952 Schlieren, Switzerland) which can detect modulation [%] in all frequencies [Hz] and record their critical flicker frequency (CFF). Result: Although there are fluctuation between examinations, but fortunately, this machines can calculate the data automatically and plot a smooth curve for the relation of modulation [%] and frequencies [Hz]. There are statistical significance (P=0.0003) in critical flicker frequency between high myopic (46.91±10.13 Hz) and normal (52.96±3.90 Hz). We found there are decrease of critical flicker frequency (CFF) and increase of modulation [%] in all frequency in the high myopia patients. Discussion: There is retinal degeneration in high myopia patient. According to our finding, there are decrease of critical flicker frequency(CFF) and increase of modulation [%] in all frequency. Maybe we can use the critical flicker frequency(CFF) and modulation transfer function(MTF) as indexes to evaluate the severity of retinal degeneration in high myopia patients.
