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Analysis of Airbag-Associated Ocular Injuries


在現今安全氣囊已成為汽車標準安全配備之際,國際間有關安全氣囊造成眼部傷害之文獻也與日俱增。於西元一九九八年中,我們回顧奇美醫院眼科於西元一九九六年至西元一九九八年中十一例十六眼因安全氣囊造成眼部傷害之病例:年齡自二十六至五十七歲,十六眼皆有角膜之傷害,其中二眼傷及角膜內皮細胞,每平方毫米細胞密度小淤500固;一眼隅角退縮而發生與法以藥物及雷射控制之高眼壓,必須施以手術治療;八眼結膜囊以石蕊試紙測得pH8-8.5之鹼性反應;三眼發生黃斑部網膜水腫,其中二眼併有視網膜下出血,一眼有脈絡膜破裂,一眼螢光眼底攝影顯示黃斑部局部滲漏;二例四眼眼瞼部有一至二度之溫度灼傷。視力之預後則是否涉及黃斑部而有所不同,未傷及黃斑部及無創傷性白內障、角膜內皮細胞傷害者,治療追蹤三個月後,矯正後視力皆可達0.8以上(68.75%);傷及黃斑部及有創傷性白內障、角膜內皮細胞傷害者,治療追蹤三個月後,矯正後視力也可達0.1以上(31.25%)。其中一例黃斑部局部滲漏者,經雷射治療視視力可達1.0。 本報告將參考本院病例及國際文獻,列出安全氣囊可能造成之眼部傷害,並探討合理之眼部保護措施,期能集思廣益,增加安全性,以減少此一“安全措施”對眼睛之潛在威脅。




As more and more automobiles are equipped with air bags, the number of reports of airbag-associated ocular injuries is also rising. We reported 11 cases (16 eyes) of airbag-associated ocular injuries aged from 26 to 57 years old, all patients had corneal lesions. Two eyes showed corneal endothelial damage with the endothelial cell density not more than 500 cells/mm2. One eye showed angle recession and high IOP which was refractory to medical and laser treatment but could be controlled by surgery (trabeculectomy). 8 eyes showed pH of conjunctival fornix of 8-8.5 and grade 1 alkali burns. Three eyes showed traumatic macular edema: two combined with subretinal hemorrhage and one choroidal rupture and one focal leakage over the macular area. The visual prognosis was variable. For all the patients, the corrected visual acuity could be better than 0.1. For those without macular involvement and traumatic cataract formation and corneal endothelial cell damage, the corrected visual acuity could be better than 0.8 (68.75%). According to the international literature and our report, we also give the list of all possible airbag-associated ocular injuries and discuss the proper method for protecting the eyes while the automobile air bag is in use. We hope that air bag safty could be much more increased and the ”safe equippment” could be really ”safe” for the eyes.
