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藉由VISX STAR Laser施行雷射屈光角膜切除術的初步結果

Initial Results of Myopic Photorefractive Keratectomy Using VISX STAR Excimer Laser


目的:統計雷射屈光角膜切除術對於球面平均度數六百度以下及以上之治療結果,並提出國人接受雷射屈光角膜切除術後長達十八個月的追蹤資料。 方法:本文共收集由本院單一醫師進行治療之123眼(62位患者),其中62眼為近視度數六百度以上,61眼為度數六百度以下。分別於術後第一天、第三天、一週、一個月、三個月、六個月、十二個月及十八個月返診檢查。檢查項目包括裸視、最佳矯正視力、電腦驗光、角膜細隙燈檢查。 結果:97.56%眼最佳矯正視力不變或增加,六百度及以下患者,裸視視力1.0以上從第三個月到第十八個月皆在八成以上,殘餘度數在第12個月與第18個月小於或等於±1.0D分別達到91.80%與90.16%。角膜霧濁佔3.28%。在六百度以上患者殘餘度數在第12個月與第18個月小於或等於±1.0D分別達到53.23%與54.84%,裸視視力1.0以上從第三個月到第十八個月皆在六成左右,角膜霧濁佔11.29%。 結論:準分子雷射對六百度以下的近視實為安全有效的手術方法,六百度以上術後度數的穩定,仍值得我們努力。




Purpose: To evaluate the 18-month results and complications of the first 123 myopic eyes with photorefractive keratectomy. Patients and Methods: 123 eyes of 62 patients were recruited into this prospective study. Myopia ranged from -2.75D to -9.5D and astigmatism, from 0 to -3.25D, Follow-up 18 months in all patients. Result: 3 eyes (4.83%) in >-6.0D group lost one line of best corrected visual acuity (BCVA). There was none lost two or more lines of BCVA in all patients and none lost one line of BCVA in ≦-6.0D group. Over eighty percent of ≦-6.0D group had uncorrected VA of 1.0 or better, and around sixty percent of >-6.0D group had uncorrected VA of 1.0 or better after 18 months follow-up. Clinically significant corneal haze (grade Ⅱ or more) was found in 3.28% in ≦-6.0D group and 11.29% in >-6.0D group. Conclusion: There was few complications after PRK in 123 eyes especially in the >-6.0D group. PRK can be considered relatively safe, efficient, and precise compared with other refractive procedures, but the stability of outcome in >-6.0D remained more efforts.


myopia PRK result
