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Epiblepharon with Inverted Eye Lashes in Children Long Term Follow-Up Report


目的:本研究的目的在於觀察嬰幼兒隨著年齡的增長、顏面發育,眼瞼贅皮及睫毛內翻變化的情形,以及睫毛對角膜傷害的程度,進而了解藥物及手術治療的適當時機及療效。 方法:研究對象為本院兒童健康檢查門診及眼科門診,診斷有眼瞼贅皮及睫毛內翻的兒童,有意願參加定期的追蹤治療者,研究對象分為下列兩組:第一組為小於或等於六歲的兒童,第二組為大於六歲的兒童。我們對各案的家長或主要照顧者施予問春調查,以裂隙燈顯微照相,紀錄眼瞼贅皮及睫毛生長方向的變化。作角膜螢光染色檢查,並以裂隙燈顯微照相紀錄角膜傷害的程度,並且評估藥物及手術治療適當的時機及治療效果。 結果:我們的研究結果發現: 1.眼瞼贅皮併睫毛內翻者在問卷中其父母之一也有這種現象約佔30%。 2.無論任何年齡小朋友,一旦發現眼瞼贅皮並睫毛內翻,只要睫毛接觸角膜表面並摩擦角膜,將導致角膜受損及糜斕。 3.眼瞼贅皮併睫毛內翻同一方向者,將會隨著年紀增長而改善。 4.眼瞼贅皮併睫毛內翻不同方向者,隨著年紀增長並不會改善,反而角膜症狀將會日益嚴重。 5.一旦有角膜損傷,需給予藥物治療;若症狀未日漸改善者,或睫毛內翻不同方向者,則需開刀矯正。 結論:本研究經由問卷、症狀及睫毛生長方向,可得知:父母之一有眼瞼贅皮併睫毛內翻者其小孩也容易有。無論任何年齡小朋友,一旦睫毛接觸角膜表面,必會產生角膜糜爛,需給予藥物治療;若角膜糜爛症狀未改善者,或睫毛內翻不同方向生長者,則需開刀矯正。未必需要一定等到小孩上小學後,才能接受手術治療,徒然讓小孩受幾年睫毛內翻引起角膜受傷之苦。




Purpose: This study investigate the change of epiblepharon and inverted eyelashes with age and facial development, and the injury of cornea by eyelashes touching. Method: One hundred and seventy children with epiblepharon and inverted eyelashes were collected from the O.P.D. and screening test at health center. The studied group was divided into two groups (117 cases at age 1-6.53 cases at ages greater then 6) The studied cases were evaluated with slit lamp and fluorescein stain. The severity of corneal injury was recorded by camera. In addition, we evaluate the effect of drug therapy and the timing of surgical manipulation. Results: Our study revealed: 1. The children whose parents with epiblepharon and inverted eyelashes usually have the same condition. 2. Inverted lashes touching the cornea will induce corneal erosion. 3. If the rowing of inverted lashes with the same direction, the incidence of eyelashes touching the corneal surface will decrease with age. 4. If the rowing of inverted lashes with different direction, the incidence of eyelashes touching the corneal surface will not improved with age. 5. Medical treatment is usually necessary for corneal erosion. Surgical treatment is usually necessary for the rowing of inverted lashes with different direction. Conclusion: The children whose parents with epiblepharon and inverted eyelashes usually have the same condition. Once the eyelashes touches the surface of cornea, the erosion of cornea will occur. The erosion of cornea will need medical treatment. If the condition was not improved after medical treatment. The patients will be treated surgically.
