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Traumatic Evulsion of the Eyeball: A Case Report



目的:本文報告一例罕見的創傷造成之眼球脫出。 方法:病例報告。 結果:一位三十九歲男性因車禍來院急診,意識,清醒,右眼脫出眼窩,且右眼之眼角膜及鞏膜無撕裂傷,但部份眼外肌斷裂,瞳孔擴大並對光無反應,電腦斷層檢查顯示右眼視神經遭切斷,並有眼窩骨折,無腦內出血,病患接受眼球摘除及矽質球植入手術,術中可見完整之眼球及30釐米長之斷裂視神經,追蹤一個月後並無眼窩感染,病患接受矽質球移除及氧化鋁義眼球植入,經義眼栓子及義眼片植入,病患對外觀及義眼運動皆滿意。 結論:創傷性眼球脫出很罕見,可以眼球摘除及氧化鋁義眼球植入成功治療。




Purpose: To report a case with evulsion of the globe caused by trauma. Methods: Observational case report Results: A 39-year-old man was admitted to the emergency room after a car accident. His consciousness was clear. His right eye was dislocated anteriorly, and the lids were tightly closed behind it. No laceration was observed in cornea and sclera, but a part of extraocular muscles were partially lacerated. The pupil was dilated and did not respond to light stimulation. Cerebrospinal fluid leakage was not found. Computed tomography revealed a severed optic nerve on the injured side, and multiple fractures in the inferior wall of the orbit and in the maxillary bone, without any brain lesions or intracranial hemorrhage. Enucleation and reconstruction of orbital socket with a silicone ball were performed on the same day. A globe without penetration wound and a 30-mm long optic nerve stump were found intraoperatively. After one-month follow up, no orbital infection was noted. The patient underwent removal of the previous silicone ball and secondary orbital implantation with the Bioceramic implant. The patients fitted with peg-coupled prosthesis had satisfactory movements. Conclusion: Traumatic evulsion of the eyeball is rare, which can be successfully treated by enucleation and implantation of the Bioceramic sphere.
