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Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) Flap Suturing to Treat Late-Onset Traumatic flap Dehiscence and Striae



目的:報告4個LASIK手術後發生晚期創傷性角膜裂開的病例,討論基治療及結果。 方法:介入性病例報告-四例個案皆是在LASIK手術後約一年因眼球遭受機械性創傷導致角膜瓣裂開。 結果:病例一於打藍毬時,右眼受到手指戳傷,導致角膜瓣裂開,並於受傷報七天接受瓣膜縫合治療。同時也在病例一發現明顯的角膜上皮向內生長及多處角膜瓣皺摺。病例二則是在車禍中,右眼受到鈍傷而導致角膜瓣裂開,並於受傷後四小時即施行瓣膜縫合。病例三於運動時,右眼受到手指戳傷,導致角膜瓣裂開並移位,並於受傷後六小時施行瓣膜縫合。同時也在病例三發現角膜多處角膜瓣明顯的皺摺。病例四於打藍毬時,右眼受到手指戳傷,導致角膜瓣裂開並移位,並於受傷後六小時施行瓣膜縫合術的時間間隔皆約為一年。病例一的術前最佳矯正視力為零點六,病例二為零點一,病例三為零點三,病例四則為零點五。四個病例的角膜瓣皆從鼻側裂開。在手術時,裂開的角膜瓣被提、伸張、與縫合,並於手術結束時置放治療性隱形眼鏡。經過六個追蹤,病例一的未矯正視力為零點入,病例二、三、四為一點零。 結論:瓣膜縫合是治療雷射屈光手術後期創傷性角膜瓣裂開的有效方法。




Background: Traumatic dehiscence of the flap is an uncommon yet important cause of visual impairment following laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). In this report, we describe the management and outcome of flap suturing to manage late-onset traumatic LASIK flap dehiscence with striae in foul cases. Methods: Case 1 underwent flap suturing seven days after ocular trauma n the right eye. Case 2, case 3 and case 4 underwent flap suturing four to six hours after blunt trauma to the right eye, right eye, and left eye, respectively Preoperative best spectacle-corrected visual acuity was 6/10 in case 1, 6160 in case 2, 6/20 in case 3 and 6/12 in case 4. The flaps were lifted, refloated, stretched, and sutured in these 4 cases. Results: After six months of follow-up, the uncorrected visual acuity of case 1 was 6/5 and that of case 2, case 3 and case 4 was 6/6. Conclusion: Flap suturing is an effective way of treating late-onset trauma tic flap dehiscence with prominent stiae.
