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Extraocular Muscle Resection for Strabismus Correction in Dysthyroid Ophthalmopathy


目的:評估以眼外肌截短(resection)手術來治療甲狀腺眼病變相關斜視的效果,並與傳統眼外肌徙後術(recession)的結果相比較。 方法:我們回溯收集本院2003年到2008年間,因甲狀腺眼病變造成斜視而接受眼外肌手術的病例。並紀錄其眼球運動限制或複視的持續時間、甲狀腺功能異常的持續時間、手術方法、術前和術後眼科檢查的各項結果、是否接受過眼窩減壓術、以及追蹤的時間。 結果:在51位病人中共有95條肌肉接受了徒後手術,依序是下徙直肌42條(44.2%)、內直肌28條(29.5%)、上直肌21條(22.1%)、及外直肌4條(4.2%)。接受一次或一次以上肌肉徙後術的成功率為79.6%。12位病人除了肌肉徙後手術外,並接受了肌肉截短手術。接受截短手術的肌肉共15條,分別是外直肌10條(66.7%)、上直肌3條(20.0%)、和內直肌2條(13.3%)。整體而言,病人在經過平均1.7次(標準差±0.9,範圍1-4)的手術、平均25.5±19.5個月(1至83個月)的追蹤之後,90.2%的病人能夠在正視時沒有複視(包括使用稜鏡眼鏡的輔助)。 結論:對部分斜視角度較大的甲狀腺眼病變病人,當重複肌肉徙後手術仍無法達到滿意的矯正效果時,若施行肌肉截短手術,可以得到安全和有效的結果。




Purpose: To evaluate the effect of extraocular muscle resection surgery in the correction of the strabismus in dysthyroid opthalmopathy and compare this with traditional extraocular muscle recession surgery. Method: Retrospective study design. Fifty-one patients received extraocular muscle surgery for strabismus related to dysthyroid ophthalmopathy in Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital from 2003 -2008. Restriction of eye movements, duration of diplopia, history of orbital decompression, strabismus correction methods, and preoperative and postoperative ocular examinations were recorded. Result: Of the 51 patients, ninety-five muscles were recessed. There were 42 inferior rectus muscles (44.2%), 28 medial rectus muscles (29.5%), 21 superior rectus muscles (22.1%), and 4 lateral rectus muscles (4.2%). The success rate of recession surgery was 79.6%. Twelve of the patients had additional resection surgery on 15 muscles. After a mean of 1.7 operations and a mean of 25.5±19.5months (1-83months) follow-up time, 90.2% patients could view a single image without diplopia with a straight gaze. Conclusion: When repeated extraocular muscle recession surgery cannot provide satisfactory strabismus correction results, additional extraocular muscle resection surgery might be a safe and effective substitute method for some patients.
