

目的:報告-眼球破裂後產生交感性眼炎之病例。方法:病例報告。結果:一26歲男性印尼漁工,右眼挫傷後一個月才被發現眼球破裂,之後接受鞏膜縫合手術。術後4 天左眼出現視力模糊症狀,視力從1.0下降到眼前30公分手動,前房有明顯發炎反應,眼底檢查及光學同調斷層掃描顯示有滲出型視網膜剝離,故診斷為交感性眼炎。經全身性及局部類固醇治療後,症狀改善且視力進步到0.7。結論:眼球外傷必先釐清眼球是否破裂,及時手術可減少交感性眼炎機會。一旦發生,及時積極之治療可避免視力喪失。




Purpose: To report a case of sympathetic ophthalmia.Method: Case report and literature review.Result: Delayed diagnosis of eyeball rupture was noted in a 26-year-old Indonesian male fisherman. He had ocular trauma one month ago, and was diagnosed as vitreous hemorrhage at another hospital. We performed primary repair with removal of incarcerated uveal tissue for this patient. Four days after the operation, he noted blurred vision in his left eye. Ocular examination revealed decrease in vision from 6/6 to hand motion. Slit-lamp examination found severe inflammatory reaction in his left anterior chamber. Fundoscopy and optical coherence tomography (OCT) showed exudative retinal detachment. A diagnosis of sympathetic ophthalmia was made and the patient was treated with intensive topical and systemic steroid. The massive subretinal fluid decreased following treatment. The vision of this patient recovered to 6/8.6.Conclusion: Eyeball rupture should be highly suspected in a severely traumatic eye, early and appropriate management can prevent the development of sympathetic ophthalmia. Once sympathetic ophthalmia has been diagnosed, immediate and aggressive treatment with systemic steroid should be administered to improve visual prognosis.

