  • 期刊


Evaluating a Nurse Self-developed Automatic Scheduling Support System


隨著資訊科技的蓬勃發展,對於健康照護產業也帶來相當多的應用潛力。建構易用實用的護理排班系統,對於繁複的護理排班管理是有其需要性的,但是,目前國內仍缺乏能真正進行自動排班之系統及相關評估。本研究目的旨在評值一由護理人員以「使用者自建系統」策略開發之自動排班系統使用成效。研究方法:檢視該系統在94年3至8月的實際排班成果,並針對使用該系統的33位護理人員進行問卷調查,探討影響系統使用意願的因素及系統接受度評估。問卷採專家內容效度,其信度部分Cronbach's α值0.95~0.96,回收有效問卷31份。結果:該系統可達到平均95.3%的自動排班完成率。系統自動排班時間花費約1-2分鐘,之後需要花費30-40分鐘時間人工微調,整體而言顯著改善了過去人工排班與資料彙整的流程及時間。此外,同意系統容易使用的正向百分比為96.5%,肯定系統的實用性為91.9%,同時,影響系統使用意願的因素為系統的易用性及實用性。本護理人員自建自動排班系統的成效相當高,未來可針對不同護理單位排班特性進行模組式的修正開發,以增加推廣價值。


The growing prevalence of healthcare informatics has created many potential advantages in healthcare. Such an application is to set up an easy and useful nursing scheduling support system to release the current exhausting manual scheduling burdens. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performances and nurses' acceptance of an automatic scheduling support system which was developed by nurses with the end user computing strategy. The system was installed in a medical center in March, 2005 and its performances from March to August were examined. 33 nurse subjects were invited to evaluate their acceptance of system. The content validity of questionnaire was examined by experts and the reliability Cronbach's α ranged from 0.95-0.96. 31 copies of questionnaire were successfully collected. The results indicated the nurses' shift requests were raised and the system could successfully, automatically determined 95.3% of monthly shifts for average. The system averagely took 1-2 minutes to complete a monthly shift plan but another 30-40 minutes were needed to modify some inappropriate shift assignments. Those were significantly lowered than what were done manually. Moreover, the average rate for nurses to agree and more than agree with that the system was easy to use as well as useful in many perspectives was 96.5% and 91.9%. The results supported the effectiveness of the automatic scheduling system developed by ourselves. The system will be modified to fit into other nursing units.


