  • 期刊


Application of Artificial Intelligence Technique in Scheduling of a Hospital Operation Room


手術室擁有高科技與昂貴的醫療設施儀器與各類專業的醫療人員,為醫院中之高成本單位,亦是主要的營收來源之一。手術室績效的好壞,與開刀作業排程的優劣息息相關,然而目前許多醫院的手術室開刀作業排程規劃都以排程人員的經驗以及相關限制來決定,往往造成病患過長的等待時間以及醫護人員超時的工作。本研究應用分析層級程序法瞭解個案醫院在進行手術室開刀作業排程規劃時考量因素的重要性排序,並以模擬退火演算法求解手術室開刀作業排程,以Visual Basic建構使用者介面,將資料透過Excel輸入及輸出,建立簡易、明瞭、容易操作的手術室開刀作業排程系統。經比較後獲得本研究建構之手術室開刀作業排程系統的排程績效優於個案醫院現行排程作法及其它排程方法的結論。本研究建構之手術室開刀作業排程系統有助於有效運用手術室的人力、設施、及物力資源,提昇手術室的經營績效,降低醫院營運成本,並可減少因手術室作業人員因超時工作所可能衍生的相關問題。


Operation rooms, being equipped with advanced equipment and highly professional medical personnel, are not only high cost-consuming centers, but also major profit-making units in a hospital. Performance of an operation room is highly related with operation scheduling. However, most of the scheduling of an operation room are built by medical personnel based on experience or heuristics, therefore, result in long waiting time of patients and long over-time of medical personnel. In this research, a questionnaire based on analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is developed and used to investigate the weights of the scheduling criteria in the operation room. Then simulated annealing (SA) is algorithm is applied to generate the operation schedule of the operation room for a hospital. The Visual Basic (VB) is used to construct the scheduling system and the interface which I simple and easy to use. Performance of the proposed scheduling system is compared with those of the personnel experience and the other heuristics. The comparison results show that the proposed scheduling system has the better performance than the other heuristics. The proposed scheduling system does shorter the makespan of all the operations and the over-time of medical personnel, and therefore improve the performance of the operation room in a hospital.


