  • 期刊


An Association Analysis between Chronic Kidney Disease and Common Chronic Diseases


台灣逐漸邁向高齡化社會。近來,俗稱「三高」即高血壓、高血糖與高血脂是目前重要的疾病議題。而其他的慢性疾病如腎臟病、心臟病等,也都是我們值得重視的議題。本研究,使用國家衛生研究院的健保資料庫針對就醫百萬歸人檔資料進行分析疾病發生率與危險風險比例。用關聯性規則Apriori探討慢性腎臟疾病與常見疾病間的關聯性與信賴度。研究結果發現危害風險比 (Hazard Ratio) 較顯者為糖尿病、高血壓和腦血管疾病,其危害風險比值分別為2.11、2.08 和1.99。 關聯分析結果顯示「慢性腎臟疾病、腦血管疾病→高血壓疾病」這組合的信賴度高於其他組別。本研究結果表示在台灣慢性腎臟疾病與常見的慢性病有著顯著的關聯性。


Taiwan have been going to aging society. Recently, triple high diseases indicating hypertension, hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia emerged as an important issue. Other chronic diseases such as chronic kidney disease, heart disease etc., are also the important issues for attention. In this study, we analyzed the incidence rate and hazard ratios (HR) of several common chronic diseases by using Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD). The apriori algorithm was implemented to analyze the association between the diseases. Our results showed that the most significant associations with chronic kidney disease are diabetes mellitus, hypertension and cerebrovascular disease (HR 2.11, 2.08 and 1.99, respectively). The association analysis revealed that the set of "chronic kidney disease, cerebrovascular disease→ hypertension" is higher than other disease sets. In conclusion, chronic kidney disease demonstrated to significantly associate with common chronic diseases in Taiwan.
