  • 期刊


The effect of social support in depression of chronic stroke patients


中風後憂鬱會影響復健動機及延遲功能恢復,經關懷衛教措施介入探討對慢性期中風者憂鬱指數變化。對象為62位復健科門診慢性期腦中風病患經隨機分配介入組(n = 31)與對照組(n = 31)兩組皆接受例行復健治療,介入組有額外關懷衛教措施2次/週並以短版憂鬱量表進行重複評估憂鬱指數變化。發現憂鬱指數變化與經濟狀況、休閒滿意度、照顧者、中風後持續時間及疼痛具顯著關聯;持續8週關懷衛教措施介入,兩組間憂鬱指數差異值變化量有顯著差異。對慢性期中風病人有憂鬱情緒建議至少須持續8週關懷衛教措施。


The motivation of Poststroke depression (PSD) effect rehabilitation delay function recovery. Explore the social support which effects depression of chronic stroke patients. A total 62 patients with chronic stroke were random divided into intervention group (n = 31) and control group (n = 31). Social support programs were applied 2 times a week. Depressive symptoms were assessed by 10-item Center for the Epidemiological Studies of Depression Short Form(CES-D10). The result was found a significant correlation between the depression and the economic status of the patients with chronic stroke, the satisfaction of leisure, the presence or absence of caregivers, the duration of stroke and with or without of pain. The significant difference was found between two groups after 8 weeks social support. Our findings suggest that remission of poststroke depression need at least 8 weeks social support.
