  • 期刊


A Study of Applying IoT towards Respirator Living Monitoring


長久以來,奇美醫院呼吸生理數據一直以人工抄寫方式紀錄為主。當病人有呼吸系統狀況改變時,需要第一線臨床照護人員發現儀器警示訊息,才能通知相關醫療人員。其效率與品質均有改善之空間。隨著物聯網(Internet of Things, IoT)的進步與普及,應用物聯網以優化醫療照護流程已愈來愈受重視,其目的在提升醫療照護之行動性、即時性與正確性,落實uHealth之理想。本研究旨在描述奇美醫院導入物聯網技術於呼吸器資料拋轉之專案歷程,包含:專案規劃、系統分析與設計以及使用者創新擴散態度之評估。導入物聯網技術後,臨床使用呼吸器之程序得以簡化,並能即時將正確的量測數據拋轉到醫院資訊系統,達到即時監控管理、異常即時通知之優異效益,有效提升病人照護品質、醫療照護團隊溝通即時性與透明化、大數據分析運用,進而促進臨床決策智能化之理想。


呼吸器 物聯網 創新擴散 uHealth


For a long time in Chi Mei Medical Center, respiratory physiological data has been mainly recorded by hand. In general, clinical caregivers need to monitor the instrument to know if the patient has a respiratory condition change and inform the relevant medical personnel as soon as possible. Its efficiency and quality are improvable. With the progress and popularity of Internet of Things (IoT), the applications of IoT can optimize the health care process. It has become more and more important with the aim of enhancing the mobility, immediacy and correctness of medical care to reach uHealth ideal. The purpose of this study is to describe the project history of IoT development of respirator living monitoring including: project planning, system analysis and design, and user evaluation in innovative diffusion manner. After the introduction of IoT technology, the procedure of clinical respiratory use has been simplified. The data extracted from respiratory instruments can be immediately transferred to hospital information systems (HIS) achieving the advantages of real-time monitoring and management, real-time emergency notification, increasing patient care quality, and real-time and transparent communication, big data analyzing, and thus promoting intelligent clinical decision-making
