  • 期刊


Using social network analysis to study the pattern of coauthor collaboration on journal published papers and author research domain diagrams




Journal authorship collaboration pattern and author research knowledge concept map are required to be compared and analyzed. A total of 1,031 published papers were reviewed including 3,765 author counts (2,551 persons) in three domestic journals (324 from Journal of Healthcare Management, 246 from The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics, and 461 from Hospital Magazine) since 2003 were downloaded to investigate differences in authorship pattern and degree of collaboration. We applied SNA to compare: (1) authorship pattern in a micro perspective, (2) degree of collaboration in a macro perspective for the above mentioned study journals, and (3) research domain maps among selected authors. Results were found that association was significant between journals and the number of authorship (p<0.0001). The degree of collaboration is highest in Journal of Medical Informatics. The single author rate is highest in Hospital Magazine (19.52%) in comparison with other two(5,56% and 9.35%). The highest average author number per paper(3.84) is to Medical Informatics, followed by 3.79 and 3.01, respectively, to Healthcare Management and Hospital Magazine. Other indices regarding degree of collaboration (2.68) and association density(0.73%) are also shown higher on Medical Informatics than other two counterpart. The SNA is useful in identifying the authorship and degree of collaboration in health-related journals as well as showing close relations to the journal aims and scope from the perspective of author research domain maps. The results show that those statistical indicators can be offered to strategy and decision making for journals in future.
