  • 期刊


Establishing a Guideline-based the prototype of Clinical Decision Support System for Sepsis


由於資訊科技的快速發展,資訊系統在醫療照護品質提升上已扮演著相當重要的角色。在醫療照護流程中,藉由資訊科技的協助可提供適時之提示,並協助臨床醫護人員臨床決策,以避免因人為疏失所導致的醫療事件發生。本研究以敗血症臨床指引為對象,發展一套臨床指引決策支援系統雛形,藉由整合院內醫院資訊系統(Hospital Information Systems, HIS)、加護病房資訊系統(Clinical Information Systems, CIS)之生理監視資料以及敗血症之臨床指引流程,提供經驗較不足之醫師及專科護理師等醫護人員必要的敗血症照護流程指引,以確保臨床醫療照護之品質。藉由資訊系統的協助,資歷較淺的醫護人員除可依照系統所指引之建議步驟進行相關醫療處置外,更能夠從中進行相關醫療照護流程的查詢與學習,以提升自我專業能力。本系統雛形主要之特色包括:(1)支援圖形化、視覺化之指引執行;(2)提供醫院資訊系統及加護病房生理監視系統資料之整合介面與自動取得臨床醫療資訊;(3)可針對病患個案進行指引之操作、紀錄與統計。


With the rapid development of information technology (IT), IT plays an important role for the promotion of medical care quality. It provides the timely suggestion or helps to avoid medical error happened due to the clinician's clinical decision and artificial mistakes during medical care process. The major purpose of this study is to develop the prototype of Clinical Guideline Decision Support System (CGDSS). The CGDSS integrates with Hospital Information Systems (HIS), Clinical Information Systems (CIS) and clinical practice guidelines about prevention and the therapy of the sepsis in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to ensure quality of health care. Junior medical staffs could take care of patients with guided procedures provided by CGDSS, look up the complete procedures and learn the proper procedures from CGDSS. The prototype of CGDSS has four distinguishing features: 1) Supporting graphical, visualized guidelines execution; 2) Supporting the integration and automatic acquisition of HIS data and CIS data in ICU; 3) Handling, recording and gathering statistics of guidelines usage.
