  • 期刊

Tuberculosis Outbreak Investigation at A Senior High School in Central Taiwan, 2017


Two tuberculosis (TB) students at the same senior high school in central Taiwan were confirmed in April and July 2017, respectively (case 1 and case 2). One contact was also diagnosed as TB case later (case 3). In contacts investigation of case 1 and case 2, the interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) positive rates were 43.7% and 4.9%, respectively. Except one refused treatment, all other IGRA positive contacts received latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) treatment. A further investigation found that case 2 was epidemiologically related to case 1, but case 2 was not defined as a contact of case 1 initially. We recommended that the TB outbreak investigation in school should be done from more aspects. Case 1 and case 2 were highly contagious when being diagnosed, indicating that they might have delayed medical treatment and diagnosis. Thus we recommended that schools regularly carry out TB prevention and education activities. Schools should also conduct ventilation assessment regularly to reduce the risk of TB transmission among teachers and students. We also recommended strengthening education and awareness of TB among clinic doctors.


School campus tuberculosis outbreak
