  • 期刊


A New Interpretation to Zhong Yong-Dedication for the Centenary of the Republic of China




《中庸》 經典 儒家 朱熹


Zhong Yong originally is a chapter of The Book of Rites. Zhu Xi took it out from the Book of Rites and combined it with The Analects of Confucius, Mencius and The Great Learning as The Four Books. And then this Four Books with The Five Classics are built as the Chinese common learning text, i.e. ”Sishu wujing” (Four Books and Five Classics). Thereafter the single article ”Zhong Yong” became as an independent monograph, even as a basic Classic for the Confucianism and made a big influence on the Neo- Confucianism in Song and Ming Dynasties.The textual arrangement of Zhong Yong is not so well organized, but there is in reality a theoretical structure and the principle of thought. In this paper I will explicate and interpretate the philosophy of Zhong Yong in according to Zhu Xi's ”Preface” to his Commentary to the Zhong Yong. I interpretate this text only along the appropriate reason, but not to concern it is a old interpretation or a new one.


Zhong Yong the Classics Confucianism Zhu Xi
