  • 期刊


Weakness of Will and Wang Yangming's Theory of the Unity of Knowledge and Action


意志軟弱(weakness of will)作為日常生活的常見現象,當代西方哲學業已就其出現「是否可能」、「如何可能」展開豐富的討論。由戴維森(Donald Davidson)起始的古典模型指出:對於一個理性的人而言,若其行動的最終判決是建基於充分理由的話,則不可能知而不行。瑟爾(John Searle)則認為:意欲實現為行動的過程中,存在著不同的鴻溝,致使意志軟弱在實際行動中成為無可避免的可能。然而,方克濤與王啟義指出:中國哲學從道德實踐的角度入手,提供了解說意志軟弱問題的另外方案。本文旨在建基當前的研究成果,以王陽明的「知行合一」說為中心,探索宋明理學的心學傳統,如何能為意志軟弱的問題提供更進一步的理解可能。期望本文能夠辨明中西哲學不同的理論特質,並彰顯儒學思想對當代相關議題的普世價值。


意志軟弱 戴維森 瑟爾 王陽明 知行合一


Contemporary Western philosophical dialogue has covered extensively on both the "possibility of " and the "manifestations of " the daily occurrence of "weakness of will". The extended dialogue has come across Donald Davidson's classical model which establishes a rational person's impossibility for inaction on the basis of "proper knowledge" on given circumstances. In a more skeptical note, John Searle underlines the inherent rift separating will and action, and as a result human will's susceptibility to weakness in the real world. There is a third path, however, as Chris Fraser and Kai-yee Wong suggest, Chinese philosophy's traditional focus on the practical aspects of morality constitutes an alternative theoretical approach on the issue of "weakness of will". In this article, I shall examine new interpretations on "weakness of will" based on Wang Yangming's famous notion of "unity of knowledge and action". By further analyzing and examining the study of heart-mind in the Neo-Confucian tradition, this article intends to engage in the ongoing east-west philosophical dialogue while also seeking to evaluate the interactions between Confucianism and contemporary philosophical issues.


〔明〕王守仁撰,吳光等編校:《王陽明全集(上)》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2012 年重印。
牟宗三:《心體與性體(一)》,臺北:正中書局,1968 年。
牟宗三:《心體與性體(三)》,臺北:正中書局,2008 年。
牟宗三:《圓善論》,臺北:臺灣學生書局,1985 年。
