  • 期刊


Zhang Jioucheng's Shangshu Study


宋朝自「靖康」難後,南宋初十年,伊川學復見重於時,學者每懲國禍,思有以振起補弊,掘亂根而去之。其時學術所宗望者,莫過楊時。楊時評王安石「假六藝之文,以濟其申商之術」,弟子張九成承其師學,著有《尚書詳說》、《書傳統論》以警戒激勵,摒棄王氏,回歸孔孟義理之學。 本篇論文,一以述張九成之《尚書》著述及著錄;二以明無垢之《尚書》學說特色,蓋因張九成論《尚書》,每欲鉤抉聖人深奧之理,故多仿釋門悟道、參禪之法也;三以點出張氏《尚書》學說之淵源,其遠源於《孟子》,近根於蘇軾《書傳》,而參合荊公《新義》,其中取於東坡《書傳》者獨多。至於無垢《尚書》學中之理學思想,亦有可述者:如論「心、理、天」之概念,論「天人相應」,而進德修業則在於「力學與造化」。而無垢根據《尚書》,發揮學說,論其政治觀念尤重要可述者:一以論政權之轉移,二以為為政當順性為治,治於無事,三為革命者不幸論,四乃反變法之主張,五以見張無垢《尚書》學說與當時政治環境之關係。而宋儒解經,每有疑改之說,張氏亦有相關論說:謂〈洪範〉有錯簡,並疑《尚書》篇第有誤。無垢於《尚書》新說,其大要者如:論〈君牙〉、〈冏命〉作者非穆王,〈蔡仲之命〉乃周公之意,〈文侯之命〉在著平王之罪,《書》終〈費誓〉、〈秦誓〉之義,以二篇皆孔子為痛平王之無道,魯侯、秦穆,猶勝平王,以顯平王之不如諸侯也。


After the so-called ”Jingkang disaster,” the first ten years of the Southern Song Dynasty witnessed the recovery of Cheng Yichuan's Neo-Confucian learning, which was taken by the scholars as one of the corrective measures to save the country. Yang Shi was then the leader of that intellectual movement. He criticized Wang Anshi's ”borrowing Six Arts to complete his Shen-Shang Legalism.” Zhang Jioucheng was a disciple of Yang Shi's. He wrote Shangshu XiangShuo (A Detailed Explanation of ShangShu) and Shuzhuang Tonglun (A Unified Perspective of Shangshu Commentary), with a tone both of encouraging and warning, to urge scholars to turn down Wang Anshi's learning and go back to the moral teachings of Confucius and Mencius. This paper aims to point out, firstly, Zhang Jioucheng's works about Shangshu according to historical records; secondly, the characteristics of his Shangshu study by trying to elicit the mysterious high rationality from the Shangshu texts through the inspiration of Zen meditation; thirdly, his Mecius style Shangshu theory basically originated from Su Shi's Shangshu Commentary, plus a special appropriation of Wang Anshi's understanding. As to the lixiue (the study of principle) of Neo-Confucianism, Jioucheng emphasized how to get into learning with effort and tune oneself with the cosmic way. Jioucheng also developed some contemporarily relevant political ideas due to his Shangshu study. Like other Song Confucians, Jioucheng also doubted and corrected the textual problems of Shangshu, which are discussed separately in this paper.



