  • 期刊


Where is the Moral?-Reexamining the Libretto and the Music of "Cosi fan tutte"


莫札特的歌劇《女人皆如此》(Cosi fan tutte) 於1790 年首演後沒多久,即成了一部備受爭議的作品,批評之起因不乏因其劇情的荒誕、不合邏輯以及通行於十九世紀人們價值觀中的「輕浮」、「不道德」。然其道德與否,實受限於時代環境與社會所約定俗成之規範,故十九世紀在中產階級奉行較嚴格的道德觀之條件下,此作品受到質疑是可理解的。因此在本文中,筆者希冀藉由劇本與音樂的檢視,探討除了受限於時空環境的道德問題之外,我們是否還能看到作品中所體現的其他精神? 研究結果指出,劇本所呈現的雖是一種啟蒙精神的基調,但更準確地說,應該更富於經驗主義哲學的探討,在這前提下,道德或女人的忠貞問題只是表相題材,並非作品的實質意義。 而音樂則更深刻地體現出對愛情本質以及矛盾情感的探討,在劇終大和解之際,音樂留下的是,從經驗中驚覺情感未知的那一面,一個荒誕唐突的happy end裡嚴肅深刻的議題,而且,就在中產階級批評它的不道德時,它已站在前方回頭嘲諷著他們粗淺的啟蒙精神!


One of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's operas, Cosi fan tutte, caused a huge social controversy soon after its first performance 1790. A few viewpoints of critics at that time pointed toward its illogical and absurd story, or even its triviality and immorality which were commonly embedded in the social values in the 19(superscript th) century. As the middle-class then acted commonly on more serious moral values, all the skeptics against the work were comprehensive because the question of being moral or not is always conditioned through period environment and norm. Besides these period-conditioned questions, the writer of this paper tries to find out other valuable social and human spirits which could be represented through surveying and analyzing referred libretto and music. The result indicates that although the libretto represents the keynote of the Enlightenment, they are actually abundant in inquiry about empiricism. Therefore the issues of morality or female loyalty are quite superficial. The substantial ones are to be explored. In this way, the music can substantially represent the sense about love and emotional conflicts. As the ends in wonderful pacification, what the music leaves is an implied perception: the empirical matter of course cannot necessarily reflect what emotions express. The absurd and brusque happy-ending implies in substance a serious issue. Nevertheless, as the middle-class censures the work as immoral, the work has already moved itself historically one step further and sneered at its superficial Enlightenment spirits.


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廖珮瑩(2010)。莫札特的《女人皆如此》﹙Cosi fan tutte﹚: 類型、社會性與創作手法〔碩士論文,國立臺北藝術大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6835/TNUA.2010.00057
