  • 期刊

Analysis of Scleractinian Distribution in Taiwan Indicating a Pattern Congruent with Sea Surface Temperatures and Currents: Examples from Acropora and Faviidae Corals





Taiwan, a continental island with several offshore islets, is located on the center or junction of the Philippine-Japan island arc. Approximately 300 species of scleractinian corals occur around Taiwan and its neighboring islets except on the west coast with its sandy or muddy habitats. I analyzed the distribution patterns of 104 species of 2 major groups of scleractinian corals, the genus Acropora and family Faviidae, from 8 regional databases using distance and parsimony methods. Distance analyses (neighbor-joining) indicate that southern Taiwan and Green Island possess similar scleractinian distributions for both Acropora and Faviidae corals, whereas northeastern Taiwan groups with other locations of Penghu. Parsimony analysis (exhaustive search) of Acropora shows a similar pattern of distance analysis, whereas parsimonious tree of Faviidae united northeastern Taiwan with Green Island and South Taiwan leaving Penghu as a single group. Combining both Acropora and Faviidae, parsimony analysis suggests 2 distinct provinces of scleractinian distributions which show a congruence with sea surface temperatures and currents around Taiwan.
