  • 期刊

Seasonal Activity and Reproduction of Two Syntopic White-Toothed Shrews (Crocidura attenuata and C. kurodai) from a Subtropical Montane Forest in Central Taiwan



我們研究臺灣低海拔山地森林下兩種白齒鼩鼱年齡結構和生殖活動的季節變化,包括灰鼩鼱(Crocidura attenuata)和長尾麝鼩(C. kurodai)。分析的564隻鼩鼱,乃利用攔籬直落式陷阱(drift-fence pitfall traps)自1995年八月至1997年五月於南投縣鹿谷鄉的鳳凰谷鳥園採得。兩種鼩鼱都無明顯的年生殖週期,然而從性別比例和生殖中的成熟個體比例推測兩種鼩鼱的社會組織和交配制度可能不同。此外,樣本中包括另一種稀有的鼩鼱,細尾長尾鼩(Chodsigoa sodalis)8隻,以及一種鼠類,刺鼠(Niviventer coxingi)12隻。本研究顯示過去東南亞地區的小型哺乳類研究往往忽視對食蟲目動物的調查。


We studied seasonal changes in age structure and reproduction for 2 species of white-toothed shrews, Crocidura attenuata and C. kurodai, on a mid-elevation forested slope in subtropical Taiwan. In total, 564 shrews were collected by pitfall traps from Aug. 1995 through May 1997. Neither species had a conspicuous annual breeding season. The 2 species may have different social organizations and mating systems, judging from their sex ratios and proportions of breeding adults in the populations. A 3rd species of shrew, Chodsigoa sodalis, and a murid rodent, Niviventer coxingi, were syntopic with the 2 Crocidura species. Our study reveals that insectivores have been neglected in previous surveys of small mammals in Southeast Asia.
