  • 期刊


Dunhuang Historical Bianwen and the Activity of Worship




敦煌 變文 唐五代 祭祀 敘述


There are two types which narrating worship to gods and ghosts in Dunhuang bianwen. One type is the offering of information. The other type is the description of plot, which is worth paying attention especially-Wu Zi-XU bianwen, Meng Jiangnu bianwen, Han Jiang Wang-Ling bianwen, Wang Zhao-jun bianwen, and Han Qin-Hu huaben, for example. These five historical bianwens exaggerate sorrowful sentiment by the plot of worship; meawhile, recite funeral oration to comment on main roles and deduce the drift of story. Even though historical bianwen has entertaining inclination, it is relative to ceremony of worship. In Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties, performing arts go along with the ceremony of memorial services; still more, there is performing art of heroic story in funeral. Extending to later ages, there are many dramas go along with the ceremony of memorial services, and the dramas are about heroes, gods and ghosts. In addition, Wu Zi-XU bianwen, Han Qin-Hu huaben, and Chian-Han Liou Jia Tai-tz juan have transcriptions of zhaiwen and hymns. Therefore, Dunhuang historical bianwen is relative to the activity of worship.


漢•許慎撰,清•段玉裁注:《說文解字注》(臺北:黎明文化事業公司,1992 年)。
唐•封演撰,趙貞信校注:《封氏聞見記校注》(北京:中華書局,2005 年)。
唐•魏徵等撰《隋書》(臺北:鼎文書局,1980 年)。
唐•釋法照撰:《淨土五會念佛誦經觀行儀》,《大正新脩大藏經》85,No.2827(CBETA 電子佛 典)。
宋•李昉等編:《太平廣記》(北京:中華書局,2003 年)。
