  • 期刊


"Qian Jia Derivative Sect, Zhang Huang Lineage" ──Commentary on the Characteristics of The Modern Notes about the Analects of Confucius by Mr.Shi Chan, Professor Pan, Chong-gui




潘重規 石禪 章黃學派 《論語今注》 小學 經學 理學


Mr. Shi Chan, Professor Pan, Chong-gui (1908-2003) is the great master recognized by Taiwanese Academics in the first generation after the KMT country moved to Taiwan (1949). He was taught and disciplined by Zhang, Bing-lin (Tai Yan, 1869-1936), Huang, Kan (Ji Gang, 1886 -1935) in his youth. He deeply studied in the learnings of Chinese characters, linguistics, semantics, Classics, philosophy, poetry, etc. Besides he has excellently researched about The Dream of Red Chambers, especially he was the most famous international scholar in Dunhuang Xue. The study of the many dimentions for a long time, he owned the plentiful and prosperous wisdom and he became the modest gentleman in public area. Since 1951, he was invited to lecture about the Four Books in National Taiwan Normal University. Then he wrote The Modern Notes about the Analects of Confucius and published in his late life. The characteristics of the book are smooth, vernacular and streamlining, he commented one by one sentence an delucidated the essential meaning of the Analects of Confucius. His notes have three fundamental features, the first is easy to be understanded with discernment examination, the second detailed citation, the third clear and concise interpretation. In fact, the book can become the first entry and best study of the Analects of Confucius.


先秦荀況、唐楊倞注(1979)。荀子。臺北=Taipei:臺灣商務印書館=Taiwan Commercial Press LTD.。
清阮元校勘(1989)。重刊宋本十三經註疏附校勘記。臺北=Taipei:藝文印書館=Yi Wen Press。
漢司馬遷(2014)。史記。北京=Beijing:中華書局=Zhonghua Book Company。
清阮元校勘(1989)。重刊宋本十三經註疏附校勘記。臺北=Taipei:藝文印書館=Yi Wen Press。
漢許慎、清段玉裁注(1998)。說文解字注。臺北=Taipei:洪葉文化事業有限公司出版=Hong Ye Culture Co., Ltd.。
