  • 期刊


San-Ren and Fang-Wang - Lu You's self-concept and self-writing




陸游 散人 放翁 自我觀念 自我書寫


Modern psychology considers that the 'self-concept' means the subject is taking the self as the object of inspection and observation. This idea helps to understand self-writing in literature research. Lu You is the one that owns strong self-concept. Under the operation of this personality, Lu You not only developed superior writing skills but also created different self-images. Therefore, this essay is focused on Lu You's display of self-concept and specific self-writing. Section one analyzes the reason that why he frequently uses self-proclaimed names related to Lu Guimeng, including "Li-Ze", "Fu-li", "San-ren". Lu You uses these different titles to practice his self-identity. Section two discusses the self-title of Fang-Weng that has different meanings alone with the development of his life course. Section three discusses how he talks about himself. We found that Lu You sees himself as an object of observation and shapes himself into a popular person. The above performances can prove that Lu You is an excellent self-talker.


Lu You San-Ren Fang-Wang self-concept self-writing


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