  • 期刊


Daoist Landscape Narrative in 14th Century: Study on Song Lian and Zhang Yuchu




宋濂 張宇初 道教 山水 敘事


Song Lian (1310-1381) and Zhang Yuchu (1359-1410) left a lot of local Daoist temples gazetteers, many of which preserved a Daoist depiction of the environment of Daoist monasteries. These materials are precious descriptions of sacred mountains in Daoist literature, reflects the landscape concept of Daoism in the 14th century. We can analyze the context from the poems and essays left over at that time, and present the concept of Daoist landscapes in the 14th century from the narration of these sources. From the perspective of court eleits and Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain, look at the 14th century landscape in the Daoist cultural context. Most of the depictions of these landscapes are based on Jiangxi and Zhejiang, and show the characteristics and religious narratives of the sacred mountains in the south of the 14th century. These materials contain a large number of religious visions of nature, giving nature a profound and excellent spiritual experience.


Song Lian Zhang Yuchu Daoism Landscape Narrative


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