  • 期刊


A Study of Mechanical Behavior of Reinforced Lightweight Concrete Slab


本文主要在研究鋼筋輕質混凝土簡支版承受集中載重下之行為模式,並與普通鋼筋混凝土版進行比較,去探討混凝土版構件在不同變數下之力學行為。本研究共製作32塊版構件,其變數有強度、配筋模式、版厚度等,主要在探討輕質混凝土版之承載力、延展性及破壞能等性質。研究結果顯示,雖然多數混凝土版構件之破壞模式未合乎降伏線理論之預期,且多呈現貫穿破壞情形,但版實際之極限承載力試驗值卻頗接近於理論分析值。另外,比較相同鋼筋量配置的混凝土版構件,鋼筋間距95 mm單層筋版之承載力皆高於鋼筋間距為190-190 mm雙層筋版,但後者所需之破壞能則較大且韌性較佳。


The mechanical behavior of simply-supported reinforced lightweight concrete slab under a concentrated load is investigated herein. The test results were also compared to those obtained from normal concrete slabs. Totally 32 slabs in various strengths, thicknesses and rebar arrangements were fabricated and tested. The ultimate load, ductility and failure pattern were examined in each load test. The test results showed that the ultimate load of the slabs turned out very close to those calculated based on yield line theory. For the slab with the same amount of reinforcement, the slab including singly-reinforcement in 95 mm spacing performs higher load capacity than those including double-reinforced rebar with 190 mm spacing, but the latter needs more fracture energy and performs more ductile.


Lightweight aggregate RC slab flexural shearing
