  • 期刊


Development and Cyclic Tests of Circular RC Columns Confined with a GFRP-Wrapped Spiral Corrugated Tube


本研究研發鋼筋混凝土圓柱受玻璃纖維包覆螺紋管(FRP-Wrapped Spiral Corrugated Tube, FWSCT)圍束下的反覆側力耐震行為,本計畫總共製作三座試體,包含一座僅螺紋管圍束的鋼筋混凝土圓柱FWSCT-0,以及兩座分別包覆5 層及8 層玻璃纖維複合材料(GFRP)管的鋼筋混凝土圓柱FWSCT-5 與FWSCT-8,各柱體內皆無橫向箍筋,僅有軸向主筋。試驗使用多軸向材料試驗系統(MATS)進行固定軸力下的雙曲率反覆載重試驗,量測試體的遲滯迴圈、消散能量,以及斷面曲率的分佈情況。試體FWSCT-0在層間側位移角超過1%時發生剪力破壞,試體FWSCT-5(在0.2 倍柱軸力強度作用下)與試體FWSCT-8(在0.6 倍柱軸力強度作用下)分別在層間側位移角6%與8%時發生軸向鋼筋斷裂的撓曲破壞,韌性達到8 與10.7,遠大於傳統鋼筋混凝土圍束圓柱試體於高軸力下之韌性3.7,證明所研發的玻璃纖維包覆螺紋管能有效取代橫向箍筋,提供混凝土柱更佳的圍束、韌性及抗剪能力。研究亦發現此新型的圓柱塑鉸長度發展於柱體兩端管與基礎空隙處以及縱向主筋降伏應變延伸至基礎,並未發展至受玻璃纖維管包覆的柱體內部,藉由試驗觀察到的塑鉸長度進行彎矩曲率分析能準確描述試驗行為及破壞發生時之側向位移量。


This paper presents the cyclic behavior of novel circular reinforced concrete columns confined with a FRP-Wrapped Spiral Corrugated Tube (FWSCT). In order to analyze the behavior of FWSCT concrete columns in axial and lateral loads, a load-displacement analysis program was also developed by the authors. Three specimens that had no transverse hoops were constructed and tested under small and large axial loads to investigate their seismic performances. Specimen FWSCT-0 was confined with only a spiral corrugated tube without Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP); Specimens FWSCT-5 and FWSCT-8that were made in Taiwan were confined with 5 and 8 layers of GFRP, respectively. Test results showed that Specimen FWSCT-0 experienced shear failure, while Specimens FWSCT-5 and FWSCT-8 exhibited rupture of longitudinal steel bars at story drifts of 6% and 8%, respectively. It was also found that the plastic hinge of the new column was developed on both ends of the column gap and extended into the footing. The analytical program reasonably predicts test results by using the observed plastic hinge length.


Chin, V. L. (2016). 玻璃纖維包覆螺紋管圍束鋼筋混凝土圓柱剪力設計與實驗驗證 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201601127
