  • 期刊


Study and Establishment for Cloud Platform of Preliminary Seismic Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Buildings


老舊建築物或因設計年代久遠或因現況不佳等因素,其耐震能力恐未能符合現行規範標準。若逐一進行詳細耐震能力評估,將耗費相當龐大的經費與時間。本文根據內政部建築研究所2014年委託研究計畫所制定的新版建築物耐震能力初步評估方法為基礎,開發出鋼筋混凝土建築物耐震能力初步評估系統(Preliminary Seismic Evaluation of RC Building, PSERCB),讓使用者能夠快速且不失準確的估算建築物的耐震能力。PSERCB能夠將耐震能力初步評估結果以定性與定量方式呈現,並以分數表示,讓評估者能夠判別建築物耐震能力之情況,作為後續是否須執行耐震詳細評估與補強或者是拆除重建之參考依據。本系統採雲端作業方式,評估者之調查資料將儲存於雲端資料庫內,可提供各級政府資料檢視、分析、統計與管理之用,並可作為擬訂防災策略所需大數據(Big Data)分析之依據,達到災害控管的目的。


The numerous existing buildings maynot behave qualified seismic performance satisfied with the current seismic design code as a result of material deterioration or outdated design, etc. It needs a significant cost and time to do the detailed seismic evaluation of existing buildings for determination on necessary seismic retrofit. Therefore, development of a preliminary seismic evaluation system giving a rapid and reliable result is very important currently in Taiwan. This paper focused on developing the preliminary seismic evaluation of reinforced concrete buildings (PSERCB), based on research of Profs. Tsai and Sung 2014, granted by Architect Research Institute, Taiwan. Both qualitative and quantitative evaluation results are involved in this framework. A cloud platform was established for the engineers to input the inspection of current status of buildings and the evaluation report is able to be downloaded as technical report. All the data on the cloud platform are collected as the basis of big data analysis for strategy of disaster prevention to government in the future.
