  • 期刊


A Study of the Factors Affecting the Communication Quality between Non-Profit Orientation Organizations and Their Volunteers by Grounding Theory Analysis


生產力快速提升後,人類工作剩餘的時間明顯增加,對於社會性活動的需求亦隨之快速增加,相對地非營利組織亦因志工的加入而蓬勃發展,例如,伊甸基金會、慈濟…等。這種蓬勃發展的現象,除了非營利組織數量的增加以外,其規模的擴大,亦為其重要趨勢之一。規模擴大以後,組織的管理,更加充滿了挑戰,再加上其成員,尤其是志工,參與組織的動機不同於一般企業員工,存在其特殊性,故如何運用學術研究方法,適度修整組織理論,據以充份回應成員之需求,為能否發揮管理機能,達成組織目標的重要成功關鍵之一。 本研究採用紮根理論分析,以三個社團組織為例,深度分析組織與其志工之間的溝通回質,及其影響因素,進一步發掘存在於這些非營利組織中溝通的真象,並據以建構足以適度描述該真象的理論模型。研究結果發現: 非營利組織之組織設計、溝通作法、領導者行為模式、領導者特質、空間與溝通設計等五項因素或作為,若能積極地考慮其成員參與該組織的動機,使得這些作為與因素更貼近他們心理上的需求,則能更有效地增組織溝通的品質,提升組織溝通的品質,提升組織的凝聚力和執行力。


The higher need of human beings for social activities and the development of non-profit orientation organizations providing such activities have accompanied a longer leisure time as a result of improvements in production. These developments include an increasing number of non-profit orientation organizations and an enlargement of their scale. Due to the special needs of the members of these non-profit orientation organizations, managerial theories derived from typical business administration should be properly amended to improve the efficiency of the management activities in non-profit organizations and to accomplish the organizational goal more effectively. Therefore, this topic should receive more attention from business administration scholars. Furthermore, communication is one of the most important missions in business administration. By using Grounding Theory Analysis, this study focusing on communication in non-profit orientation organizations discovered that non-profit orientation organizations whose organizational design, communication regulations, leadership behavior model, leaders’ personalities, space and tool design considered the special psychological needs of their members will communicate more effectively than those which do not.


