  • 期刊


A Practical Investigation of the Transformation of LAN Industry Suppliers in Taiwan as Exemplified by the D-Link Corporation


本研究旨在探討個案公司由區域網路產業轉型到廣域網路,無線網路、寬頻網路、家用網路等不同區隔市場的轉型策略。 本研究的整體架構是分析個案公司的原先經營策略與關鍵成功因素,再分析產業環境的變化,對個案公司的影響,造成個案公司業績的衰退。為因應產業環境變化,個案公司於是轉型到不同的區隔市場,擴充產品線,延長企業之生命週期。 研究資料結果與深度訪談個案公司高階主管,得出下列幾項結論: ⒈產品定位清楚,形成差異化,企業才能生存。 ⒉企業進入成熟期,應創新產品延長企業生命。 ⒊轉型策略應擴充產品線,符合客戶完整需求。 ⒋經營策略應符合產業分工,擴充大陸為 Homo Market (市場腹地)。 ⒌企業變革應得到管理階層的支持。 ⒍新產品的研發,應成立新部門執行。 ⒎組織建構新的經營方向,指出明確轉型方向。


變革策略 產品增值


In this research, the changeover strategies among different market segments such as LAN, WAN, Wireless Networking, Broadband Networking, or Home Networking are explored by an actual case study. The framework of this study is as follows: 1. To analyze and identify the company's initial operating tactics and key success factors. 2. To understand how the changes in the industry affect a company's tactics and track records. 3. To realize that a company extends its life cycle by targeting different market segments and expanding its product lines. By an analysis of the company's history and the results of research and interviews with the company's high-level staff the findings can be summarized as follows: 1.Enterprises will survive with a clear product definition and distinction. 2.Companies will extend their life by developing innovative products when corporate life appears to be waning. 3.The changeover strategy should include expanding product lines to meet the customer's requests. 4.The infrastructure of the industry demarcation should be established. Mainland China will be a home market. 5.To earn a higher success rate, the executives must support the revolution in an enterprise. 6.New products should be researched and developed by a new department. 7.The CEO must lead in a new direction toward the changeover.


