  • 期刊


The Research of Sea Bottom Topography Detecting in Taiwan Shoal by Sar Image


在中低風速及強大潮流的條件之下,淺海地區的海底地形可顯現於雷達影像上,側視空載雷達(Side Looking Airborne Radar, SLAR)、真實孔徑雷達(Real Aperture Radar, RAR)及合成孔徑雷達(Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR)等都曾獲得此類影像。台灣灘的位置在澎湖群島西南方,為一面積約10000平方公里的廣大沙波(sandwave)區域。本研究主要應用流體動力模型、SAR成像原理並輔以海研三號現場實測之水深資料、中央氣象局實測風速資料及推算之流速來推算海底地形並與實測水深的海底地形比對。研究的結果顯示推算之海底水深與實測水深趨勢相當吻合。對於中大尺度海底地形的測繪、水深變化監測等實際應用,可考慮本文所使用的方法,未來若可精進至二維模型,應用層面將更為廣泛。


Under mid-Iow wind and strong current conditions, the sea bottom topography in the shallow water can be showed on the radar images. These kind of images had been observed on side looking airborne radar (SLAR); real aperture radar (RAR); and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images.Taiwan Shoal is a wide sandwave area of 10,000km^2 in the south-west of Peng-Hu island. In this thesis, the model proposed by Alpers and Hennings (1984) was applied. Water depth measured by Ocean Research III; calculated current field and wind speed measured by anemometer in Dong-Ji island are used as input data. And the comparison between the model estimated result and the ship-measured depth are made.The comparison shows a good agreement between model and in-situ measurement. And the further efforts for two dimensional model can make the method more useful.
