  • 期刊


Establish on MODIS Image into Drought Monitoring Model in Taiwan


本研究應用美國NASA 1999年成功研發的MODIS影像作為研究材料,利用影像差異法挑選出適用於監測乾旱之MODIS影像波段為第22熱感應波段。應用熱感應波段及其他波段之組合找尋出適合應用於偵測乾旱之指標如常態化熱指標(normalized thermal index, NTI)、常態化差異水指標(normalized difference water index, NDWI)、常態化差異植生指標(normalized difference vegetation index, NDVI)及乾旱指標(drought index, DI),探討各式指標於乾旱之特性及其全年間之變化情形。本研究更利用多元迴歸分析找出對於累積30天雨量資料具有相關之乾旱指標變數,並將其整合成為利用MODIS影像應用於監測台灣地區之乾濕指標(drought-wet index, DWD),其效果可即時準確的偵測出台灣乾旱及潮濕的分布地點,因此未來將使乾旱預警監測系統提供更完善之乾旱監測模式,以供管理單位之決策參考。


Drought period, in general, the water resource for irrigation must transfer to civilization use, and compel the farmland to fallow. Therefore the water resource arrangement is gradually important in drought management in Taiwan. MODIS image which announced from USA NASA was used in this study, and applying image differencing method to extract thermal band of No.22 was the most useful for drought warning system. Use thermal band of No.22 combination with other bands of MODIS to calculate the monthly drought indicator, such as NTI, NDVI, NDWI, and DI, and taken variation analysis with these indicators in Taiwan. At this study applying multiple regression models to find out the related drought indexes with accumulate rainfall within 30 days, then integrated them to establish the drought-wet index (DWI). Examining DWI with the experimental data, the result shows that it is feasible to apply in drought monitoring in Taiwan. Therefore the DWI could promote the previous model in drought warning system and provide the manager the other information in decision making.


