  • 期刊


A Study on Segmentation of Remotely Sensed Forest Images by Using the Improved Seeded Region Growing Algorithm


影像分割(image segmentation)在影像處理上是一個重要的議題,尤其在遙測或航測影像上常常可以看到利用影像分割爲地物識別的前處理步驟,所以分割的好壞與否往往佔有巨大的影響性。目前分割的方法雖然有許多種,但是要達到令人滿意的結果並不是件簡單的事情。本論文提出一改良式的自動種子區塊成長演算法(seeded region growing, SRG)來達成對彩色森林航測影像分割的目的,其中加入離散餘弦轉換(discrete cosine transform, DCT)爲紋理特徵,之後依序進行種子的自動產生以及讓其成長到充滿整張影像圖,最後進行區塊合併(region-merging)來改善品質。實驗結果顯示所提方法在森林航測影像上能有不錯的分割結果,速度最多可以比JSEG演算法提升一倍。


Image segmentation is an important topic in many applications of image processing. It is a procedure that divides different regions or objects of the image, and thus we can retrieve the regions of interest. The images of the different tree species usually have the similar color distribution, but the differences between them are only texture information. In this paper, an efficient segmentation method based on seeded region growing is proposed for the color remote sensing images of forest, it performs the unsupervised segmentation. We use the coefficients of discrete cosine transform as the texture features, the seeds are then produced automatically by considering both of the color features and texture features. The seeds grow to their boundaries until all pixels are classified. Finally, a region-merging process is adopted to improve the segmentation result. Experimental results show that the proposed method can separate successfully the different color texture in the remote sensing images of forest, and the performance is better than the JSEG algorithm.
