  • 期刊


Application of Satellite Images and DEM for the Hazard Assessment of Landslide Dams




After the formation of a landslide dam, the related impacts can be divided into upstream (rising backwater) and down stream (dam breaching with outburst flood and debris flow) components. Since both components may occur soon after the landslide dams the river, rapid assessment of the related hazards is crucial. Remote sensing technology could play a key role for decision-making to prevent or minimize the disaster due to a landslide dam. This research proposed a procedure utilizing the satellite images, DEM, and GIS system to quickly assess the potential hazards associated with the formation of landslide dams. To begin with, the location of the landslide dam should be identified from the satellite images. Secondly, the elevation of the landslide-dam top, dam geometry, and catchment area should be determined based on the satellite images and DEM. It follows a production of the water level-lake storage curve of the natural lake. Different periods of the satellite image could be used for monitoring the buildup of the backwater. Consequently, the inflow could be estimated using the water level-lake storage curve and the monitored water level. Based on the estimated inflow, the time for overtopping and the flooding area of the backwater could be determined. Meanwhile, the stability of landslide dam could be evaluated using the geo-morphological and hydro-geological characteristics estimated from the satellite images and DEM. A large landslide dam formed after the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake is adopted as an example for demonstrating the hazard assessment procedure. The case history successfully illustrated how the high-resolution FORMOSAT-2 satellite images and the DEM derived from Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) could be efficiently served as the powerful tools to provide important information for decision making on the action of hazard mitigation soon after the formation of a landslide dam.


