  • 期刊


Tracking Greenland Russell Glacier Movements Using Pixel-offset Method


近年全球暖化現象日益嚴重,格陵蘭等極區融冰所造成之海平面上升將對全球人類帶來嚴重威脅。因冰層質量之改變與冰河移動速度高度相關,故可藉由監測格陵蘭冰層(Greenland Ice Sheet, GrIS)上冰河之移動推估全球暖化對其造成之影響。衛星影像因具有連續且快速獲得大範圍地表資訊之能力,故已廣泛應用於廣域冰河之監測;然各項技術受限於快速移動且地貌不穩定之冰河表面而有諸多限制,故本研究使用偏移偵測法(Pixel-offset, PO)以衛載光學及合成孔徑雷達(Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR)影像獲得冰河表面之位移向量。經比較不同影像品質、處理參數等調整對於變動偵測成果之影響後,本研究發現目前免費衛載光學影像以Landsat-8的全色態波段有最佳成果,而SAR影像以經Log處理之HH偏極影像為最優。


Global warming has been a worldwide issue and significantly increasing icecap melting rate over polar area. Consequently the sea level rises continuously and poses a fundamental threat to whole human beings. Since the mass loss of Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) is highly correlated to the velocity of glacier movement, this study aims to monitor the impact of global warming by tracking glacier terminus displacement over GrIS using spaceborne remote sensing techniques which are widely applied in cryosphere monitoring for its continuous and efficient data collection ability. However, as many techniques are limited by the rapid changing and instable landscape dynamics of glacier surface, the present study utilizes the pixel-offset (PO) method with optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images to track glacier deformation. In addition, by comparing the combinations of different quality images, processing parameters and pre-processing methods, we found the pan channel of Landsat-8 images and the log-processed HH polarization SAR images show the most promising results.
