  • 期刊


Virtual Indigenous Tribe for Teaching Traditional Ecological Knowledge


本研究提出虛擬原鄉(Virtual Indigenous Tribe),透過沉浸式虛擬實境技術,重現原鄉環境,並融入傳統生態知識,讓都市原住民族學生以更具臨場感的方式認識部落的環境與知識。本研究以臺東成功重安部落作為虛擬原鄉建置對象,將傳統生態知識融入利用無人飛行載具(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV)所拍攝之像片和360°全景相機所拍攝的全景像片和全景影片,以Unity軟體開發沉浸式虛擬原鄉APP。本研究與樹林高中原住民族專班合作進行虛擬原鄉教學實測,以認知試題和情意量表前後測問卷作為評量工具。研究結果顯示,虛擬原鄉教學相較於一般教學更能明顯提升學生對於傳統生態知識的認知程度。


The indigenous peoples have been living in Taiwan for thousands of years. Comparing to the western-style science education, they have completely different pedagogy to establish and to pass their own environmental knowledge, living styles, and cultures. However, the young generation of the indigenous people is losing their traditional point of view to their environment under current western-style science education system. Especially for the indigenous peoples who moved to cities for living, the opportunities for their young generation to learn how to interact with natural environmental resources are significantly decreased. Based on the above, we proposed a concept called "Virtual Indigenous Tribe" in this study. We integrate traditional ecological knowledge into Immersive Virtual Reality to let urban indigenous youths learn the knowledge in a more intuitive way. We collected traditional ecological knowledge through the interviews with elders, integrating it into panoramic videos and images taken by 360° panoramic cameras and the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to build Virtual Indigenous Tribe. Finally, we use Unity to develop immersive virtual tribe APP. We cooperate with urban indigenous class of Shulin Senior High School to evaluate the effectiveness of Virtual Indigenous Tribe teaching. The results show that Virtual Indigenous Tribe teaching can significantly improve more students' cognition of traditional ecological knowledge than general teaching. In this study, we hope that "Virtual Indigenous Tribe" can be used as an auxiliary teaching tool to enable urban indigenous students to break through the limitations of time and space to learn traditional ecological knowledge in a more authentic way, and increase students' curiosity about their own tribal history, culture and knowledge.


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