  • 期刊

Exploring the Influence of Metaperception on Referral Reward Programs Using Social Network Graphs



Purpose - This research illustrates how two social media constructing methods (an interest graph versus a social graph) may affect consumers' metaperception and their willingness to participate referral reward programs (RRPs). Design/methodology/approach - Three independent experiments are conducted to test our hypotheses. Findings - The influence of social network graphs on consumers' willingness to participate RRPs is mediated by consumers' metaperceptions. Individuals in interest graph communities have lower metaperceptions and higher recommendation intentions, but the effect of meatperceptions on recommendation intentions is moderated by identity-signaling product. Research limitations/implications - There are many and varied types of social media, and this study was unable to explore all possibilities. Practical implications/Social implications - Marketers should pay more attention on the benefits of RRPs in interest graph communities. For social graph communities, identity-signaling products to increase the willingness to participate in RRPs. Originality/value - This study examines the nature of social connection patterns in terms of its effect of referral reward programs and illustrates the mode moderating effect of identity-signaling product on consumers' metaperception.




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