  • 期刊


Comparison between HPLC and HPIC for Determination of Acesulfame Potassium in Food


本研究比較高效液相層析法(HPLC)及高效離子層析法(HPIC),分析飲料、糖果、布丁、烘焙食品及口香糖等五類食品中之醋磺內酯鉀(acesulfame K)。HPLC使用的移動相為0.02 M KH2PO4-CH3CN(98:2, v/v),流速為1 ml/min,管柱為Bondclone 10 C18 (10 μm, 300×3.9 mm i.d.)層析,並以紫外光228 nm為檢測波長。HPIC則以0.5 mM Na2CO3溶液為流洗液,12.5 mM H2SO4為再生液,流速為2ml/min,管柱為Dionex HPIC-AG5及Dionex HPIC-AS5,由輸出範圍30 μs之電傳導度檢出器檢測醋磺內酯鉀。分析所得的結果為: 1.醋磺內酯鉀200、500及1000 μg/g三種添加量回收試驗顯示,HPLC之回收率範圍在91.6~104.0%之間,平均回收率為98.5%,cv則為5.6%;HPIC之回收率範圍在90.9~114.0%之間,平均回收率為98.4%,cv則為5.4%;以二種分析方法所得之平均回收率,經變異數統計分析,並無顯著差異(α=0.05)。兩種分析方法相互搭配使用,更可以確認食品中醋磺內酯鉀之存在情形。 2.HPIC之最低檢出限量為0.1~1.0 μg/g,儀器之偵測極限為0.5ng;HPIC之最低檢出限量為5.0 μg/g,儀器之偵測極限為0.1 μg。 3.五十件市售食品均未檢測出醋磺內酯鉀,表示國內市售食品中醋磺內酯鉀之使用尚未普遍。




Test Results, using High Performance Liquid Chromatographic methods (HPLC) and High Performance Ion Chromatographic methods (HPIC) were compared for determination of acesulfame potassium in beverages, candy, desserts, baked goods, and chewing gum. The ready-for-analysis solution was separated and determined by HPLC on Bondclone 10 C18 column with 0.02 M potassium dihydrogen phosphate: acetonitrile (98 : 2,v/v) as mobile phase and detected by UV at 228 nm, and by HPIC on Dionex AG5 guard column and AS5 anion separation column with 0.5 mM sodium carbonate as eluent, 12 mM sulfuric acid as regenerant, detected by conductivity. The results are shown below: 1. The average recoveries of acesulfame K from samples spiked at 200, 500 and 1000 μg/g determined by HPLC and HPIC were 98.5% and 98.4%, respectively. There were no significant differences (α=0.05) between the recoveries of acesulfame K by HPLC and HPIC. 2. The detection limits of acesulfame K by HPLC and HPIC were 0.1~1.0 μg/g and 5.0 μg/g, respectively. 3. Among the 50 samples collected from supermarkets in Taipei from Oct. 1991 to Jun. 1992, no acesulfame K was detected.


HPLC HPIC acesulfame K goods
