  • 期刊

Content of Total Phenolics and Anthocyanins and the Antimutagenicity of Aspergillus awamori-Fermented Black Soybean after Heat Treatment



具強化機能特性之Aspergillus awamori發酵黑豆被認爲是健康食品配方中具有潛力之機能性配料。本研究乃在探討加熱處理(4-100℃,30分鐘)對此發酵黑豆中總酚類化合物及對花青素含量變化之影響,此外以Salmonella Thphimurium TA 100及 TA 98爲測試菌株測試加熱處理後此發酵黑豆甲醇萃出物之致突變性及對4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide,一種直接型致突變劑與benzo[a]pyrene,一種間接型致突變劑之抗致突變活性。結果顯示發酵黑豆經加熱處理後不具致突變性,在80℃或100℃加熱30分鐘,會降低其甲醇萃出物之抗致突變活性。此抗致突變活性之降低因所測試之S. Thphimurium 及致突變劑之不同而有所差異。而在100℃下加熱30分鐘仍具抗致突變活性。在40℃以上加熱亦會降低發酵黑豆中總酚類化合物之含量,至於花青素含量則維持相當穩定,直到加熱溫度提高至80℃以上。除外,此花青素含量之下降與抗致突變活性之降低具相關性。


The Aspergillus awamoir-fermented black soybean, possessing enhanced functional properties, was previously suggested to be a potentially functional ingredient in the formation of healthy foods. In this study, the effect of heat treatments (40-100℃ for 30 min) on the changes of total phenolics and anthocyanin contents, mutagenicity and the antimutagenicity of fermented black soybeans against 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide, a direct mutagen, and benzo [a] pyrene, an indirect mutagen, on Salmonella Typhimurium TA100 and TA98 were examined. Results revealed that the heated-fermented black soybean showed no mutagenicity. Heating the fermented black soybean at 80 or 100℃ for 30 min resulted in a reduced antimutagenicity with the methanol extract. Reduction in antimutagenicity varied with the test strains of S. Typhimurium and the type of mutagens examined. However, the fermented black soybean still possessed antimutagenicity after exposure to 100℃ for 30 min. Contents of total phenolics and anthocyanins reduced significantly (p<0.05) as the heating temperature was raised to 40 and 80℃, respectively. Reduction in antimutagenicity of the fermented black soybeans after heating might be due to the lower anthocyanin content.
