  • 期刊


What Is "Democracy"? What Is "Public"?-John Dewey's Critique and Reconstruction of Liberalism




Aiming at the reconstitution of personality, culture, and society, Dewey's project of critique and reconstruction of liberalism is no less than a cultural revolution. Dewey's project starts with the critique of the dualistic opposition between knowing and doing and the abasement of the latter in the Western spectator tradition of philsosphy. The political correspondence of this spectator theory of knowledge is a spectator theory of politics which arbitrarily divides empirical worlds into ”the Public” and ”the Private” and subsumes the former under the State. The other side of Dewey's critique of spectator theory is his reconstruction of science as experimental empiricism. Dewey believes that core to the modern malaise is the enslavement of science to the realm of material production, and that a radical democratic project ought to engage first in the emancipation of science from this pecuniary realm and to transform it into part and parcel of the social intelligence that ordinary people can act upon in daily life. Intelligently dealing with their own problems, publics (instead of the Public) can thus regain the realm of the political. Stripped off their formalistic strictures placed upon by the old liberalism, liberty and individuality become true empirical expressions of democratic life.
