  • 期刊


'News' from the Other-land-the Discursive Formation of Architectural Design at 'T.C.E' in Early Postwar Taiwan




As a newly established discipline, 'Design' has acquired its historical position, which is nearly holy and mystical, in the architectural academies of postwar Taiwan. Teachers and Students of the architectural departments not only engaged in 'designing' by manipulating the representations of space, but also 'talk about' design. As if not doing so, they would become disabled of designing, and couldn't take pride in their studies. The causes that resulted in the phenomena mentioned above had their complicatedly social-historical origins, which were closely related to the condition of the dependent modernity of postwar Taiwan. Under the structural context of geo-political dependency, so many different editions of the improved modernisms of the 'western' world had been imported into the academic world of Taiwan. It had had so great advantage to develop different discursive practices in Taiwan's academies. Among so many discursive practices, the propagation of the Chinese 'modern' architecture by Ch’ang-ming Chin and his colleagues and students at the T.C.E./Cheng Kung University in the 1950s was the first and most fundamental one. By using aesthetic practices to distinct the field 'Architecture' from the field 'Civil Engineering', they articulated and distorted the foreign discourses due to their personally different epistemological premises. This resulted in the inconsistent and fragmented diffusions of modernisms in Taiwan. Besides, they also manifested their enthusiastic desires to modernize the nation state, and alluded the creation of their utopian society. The writing of this paper aims to display the concretely historical process of the formation of design discourses in architectural academies in Taiwan from the middle 1940s to the early 1960s. Therefore, we can attempt to demystify the ideological clouds obscuring 'design', to release the magically symbolic power of 'design', and to suggest openly an alternative horizon for the design teachings in Taiwan's architectural academies.


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