  • 期刊


Areca Quid Chewing Customers in a Teashop: A Contextual Analysis of Areca Quid Chewing




Recently, the relationship of areca quid chewing and oral cancer has become an important issue in public health. This paper concerns the behavior of areca quid chewing in people's everyday lives. Data are collected from some areca quid chewing customers from a teashop. Via intensive interview, observation and informal interview, we study these areca quid chewers' experiences and explore the different social context that the behavior is embedded. What have learned from the participants is that areca quid chewing is a social activity, the consumption of areca quid is a vehicle for social interaction, and that differential use serves to create social distinction and values. Most public health researches in Taiwan focus on the prevalence of areca quid chewing, the chewers' demographic characteristics, or the relationship of knowledge, attitude and behavior towards areca quid. Those studies tend to view areca quid chewing as a function of individual risk behaviors and ignore its social context. Our study aims to provide public health professionals with a new perspective to investigate health-related behavior. We suggest areca quid chewing cannot be treated as an isolated ”behavior”. Rather, it operates within the world of structured contexts determined by individual chewers' social position. Individual health-related behavior choices are constrained within a broader social structure. The finding provides a sociological perspective in public health research, and holds implications for health promotion polices and theories.


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