  • 期刊


Historical Experiences of Chinese Socialism in the 20th Entury and the Korean Society


經過毛澤東時代和其死後的鄧小平與江澤民,到現在為止,將中國的歷史經驗看作是現代性與反現代性的自我矛盾。這個矛盾可以概括為兩個過程,即中國從資本主義世界脫軌後重新與該軌道接軌。因此脫軌的過程中出現的問題不會僅僅因為重新接軌而消失。本文試圖進行如下探討,毛澤東的幽靈在和我們講述什麼,20世紀中國社會主義的歷史經驗在繼續向我們提出哪些問題,這些問題在今天對我們意味著什麼,我們應該向幽靈提出哪些它沒有提出過的問題。 中國第一個5年計劃的“過渡期的總路線”和之後大躍進時期的“社會主義建設總路線”就是在雙重脫軌之下推動的、在被強迫的“自立經濟”下出現的歪曲現象的一種表現。“生產力中心論”和“生產關係中心論”只不過是在這種條件下出現的矛盾的雙重表現。文化大革命是將這種被強迫的自立經濟下的矛盾、即在“生產力中心論”和“生產關係中心論”的錯誤對立結構下形成的矛盾用暴力方式加以解決(與其說解決,更準確地說是提出問題)的過程。文化大革命雖然試圖賦予“群眾主導性”,通過新的政治實踐將該問題以“政治挂帥”的方式加以解決,但當處於問題核心的“黨”被當作運動目標的那一瞬間,運動的進一步發展被中斷,變成了對知識份子的攻擊形態,問題提出未能從對國家主義的攻擊中擴展到對發展主義的攻擊。 中國的經驗作為迂回式的論據在80年代韓國社會性質爭論中,對進化主義的資本主義觀和變革論進行了批判,將資本主義發展與依附這一總問題結合在一起,試圖對社會主義論進行批判式理解,而起了很重要的作用。當然90年代以後,這一論旨以金融全球化和“現實社會主義圈”的沒落形式出現的世界體系變化中,暴露了未能捕捉到的盲目之處的局限性,並強調了新的理論轉化的必要性。這裏提出的爭議,我們在20世紀後期中國的歷史經驗中可以再次提出。 文化大革命最後以失敗告終,中國進入了新的“接軌”階段。接軌意識形態的核心是在之前的過程中一直強化而來的發展主義和“追趕”。接軌的第一階段是以雙重脫離中的世界經濟方面緩和開始的,這表現為與美國關係改善的形態。雙重的脫軌在文化大革命政治失敗以後轉變成為雙重接軌的過程中,包容中國群眾的意識形態情況也多少發生了一些變化,重要的焦點是中國與民族主義地位變化相關聯的。


中國 社會主義 毛澤東 韓國 文化大革命 大眾 脫軌 接軌


From Mao to Deng and Zhang and the present time, historical experiences of contemporary China can be summarized as contradictions between modernity and anti-modernity. These contradictions involve two processes of de-linking from and re-lingking to the capitalist world economy. But during the re-lingking process the specter of Mao Zedong haunts us and poses us difficult problems. ”General line for the transitional periods” during the First Five Year Plan and following ”General line for a socialist construction” during the Great Leap Forward appeared to be a distorted phenomenon that had been formed through forced self-reliance under the double de-linking circumstances. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution tried to solve the contradictions with 'violent' methods mobilizing mass initiatives in a way of ”politics in command.” GPCR, however, failed as soon as the party became the target rather than a leader of mass movement, and was degenerated into campaigns against intellectuals with the statism and developmentalism intact. Historical experiences of Chinese socialism gave some influences on Korean intellectuals as detours of debates on the nature of capitalism and socialism during the 1980s. China's experiences could remain one of the important references that were used to interpret the internal history of socialism crtically and understand the history of capitalism from a non-eurocentric viewpoints. After China's economic reforms, China's new experiences give an intellectual stimulus to understand the world history from a wider view than before. After GPCB China has been entering a new ”re-linking” stage. The essence of ideological legitimation for the re-linking is development and ”catching-ups” towards new nationalism that envies the accomplishments of the USA.
