  • 期刊


The Monopoly of Environmental Information The Institutional Dilemma of High-tech Environmental Knowledge Production


本文從科技與社會(STS)研究的視角,討論現行科學園區環境知識生產的困境,嘗試解析高科技環境資訊產製背後的專業壟斷與資源結構限制等問題。本文以新竹科學園區周遭污染問題研究為案例,透過檢閱新竹高科技污染研究相關論文,並訪談環境知識產製者,瞭解有關高科技管制科學知識的生產樣貌,並指出有哪些外在的制度條件限制與管制科學的社會性格特色,阻礙了我們對高科技環境問題的理解。本文借用Gross(2007)對於「未知」面向的界分,以及Hess(2007)「該做而未做的科學」(undone science) 的概念進行分析,發現政府與企業掌握了最多的污染現實與風險資訊,但最不願意、甚至恐懼這些資訊公開而使其成為一種被壓抑的知識(negative knowledge)。而非核心的研究社群成員,受限於研究資源,並在正當性爭取的過程中,考量著要以什麼樣的方式使「知道有問題但無法確知的知識(non-knowledge)」轉換為能夠掌握的擴展知識(extended knowledge)。最後,外圍的、「非專業的」,但無法外於污染、風險的公民社會、團體,則受到相當程度的排除,對環境風險處在一無所知(ignorance)的狀態。從理解高科技環境知識產製過程出發,本文進一步討論解困之道以及管制科學與社會鑲嵌的意義。


From the science, technology, and society (STS) perspective, this paper provides a discourse on the plight of the environment knowledge production in relation to Taiwan’s electronics manufacturing industries; and endeavors to resolve the professional/information/resource monopoly as well as the structural constraint problems behind the high-tech environmental information production system. This paper takes the high-tech pollution issues surrounding the Hsinchu Science Park (HSP) as case examples to explore the “knowledge gridlock” problems of environmental research related to the high-tech park. Through reviews of the scientific reports and interviews with the environmental scientists, this paper tries to map out the conditions that restrain the knowledge production and the social characteristics of regulatory science. Referring to Gross’ (2007) concept of "different types of unknowns" and Hess' (2007) discussions on "undone science," this paper differentiated several types of ignorance: "negative knowledge," considered as unimportant or even dangerous by the government and polluters which hold most information about high-tech pollution and risk assessment; "non-knowledge," is not known but is taken into account by some researchers for future planning of research in order to be transformed into the "extended knowledge;" and "nescience" occurs in the civil society because the public and local residents have been excluded from the risk management process. From the understanding of high-tech environmental information production process, this paper further discuss solutions and the meaning of social embeddedness of regulatory science.


